December 12th 1985 was a horrible day in the Floyd Edward Wooley family's life!
27 years ago on that date my "Best Friend" was almost killed in an accident on a Rainy cold and Dreary Day while working putting in Caisson's for the West Access Ramp Foundation's!
My "Father" Floyd E. Wooley was operating a Texhoma 500 Foundation Drilling rig for his Company he had founded in 1978- Southern Foundation Drilling Company, Inc. of Theodore, Alabama when a crane boom was accidently dropped on him as he "Drilled' what from memory were 42" Drilled Shafts to a Depth inside of a Steel Casing of 35' to 40' Feet.
Due to the "Heroics" of the man on the ground that day helping my father "Walter" my father upon being hit and falling to the ground from a platform 6' in the air from his "operator's" platform on the Drilling rig that was mounted on a Ford 500 10 wheel truck- the "Heroics" were that my father was not knocked unconscious and upon coming too asked "Walter" to please not lay him down because he had "blood" streaming down his throat from the injuries my father received that day!
My father had the prescence of mind to remeber a past incident in another man's life to realize that he might choke to death if he were layed down in the mud puddle and rain.
I can't remeber "Walter's" last name but where-ever he is "I want to thank him for being there that day.
I wasn't. It may have saved my father's life as I was at "USA Family Physicians" having an issue checked out with my own health.
My "Father" had just started teaching me how to "operate" a Texhoma Drilling rig and we may have both been on that rig and each other's way.
I have for year's carried "guilt" with me for not being on that job that day and at the same time wondering if my not being there may have saved my father's life.
I have no idea but "Walter" did save my father's life and for that I am thankful!
The University of South Alabama is where my father was taken by ambulance and their they indeed saved his life! There is much more to this story after that "fateful" day in the lives of My Mother and Father as well as mine but this is simply a tribute to my father's life the people that worked to save his life that day and afterwards.
God bless you Walter where-ever you may be today! Otherwise called "Walter Lewis" by myself in a fond way because "Walter Lewis" was the quarterback at The University of Alabama when he and I first met!
I wish I knew your last name my friend and one helluva a fine man to 'Save" my father for me and our Family that awful day.
"I Love you Dad!"
Floyd Clifton Wooley
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