Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friend's, I managed to "cut" out some damaged "drywall" and replace it with "new" drywall! Unfortunately I'm on Suda-Fed 24 right out the box and only a half a pill at that! I was a builder by "trade" but not a drywall finisher but if I were on the "Vyvanse" that Ty takes I assume and had recorded the "particular show" on the "Revolution" and/or could sit and read my "drywall" repair manual I might have more confidence in my "ability"! The Vyvanse sure can help us "get-r-done! LOL! The show broadcast on ABC and The Revolution that "featured" Ty repairing "drywall properly" was a great show! God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley P.S.- It would be nice to figure out this technical problem with post structure on some Adderrall XR or Vyvanse as well!

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