Monday, April 25, 2011

If your down over your property value............


If you are down in the dumps because your property value has fallen to the point what your property in "real terms" may sell for presently, regardless of what it may appraise for Today or what other properties in your neighborhood are "listed For Sale as" an example would be say your property in 2007 NOT only would appraise at 200,000.00 but comparable properties in your neighborhood were actually selling for numbers close to the one listed above which means they were purchased, closed and new neighbors moved in within if my memory serves me correct a three mile radius and now.

The mortgage payment on your home is based on what you paid for it in 2005 and your income is 1/2 or was less than your 2005 income long enough to put you in the credit "Hell" that many of us if not all property owners have been in since that time a fact I have to say I had a "gut" feeling may become a reality just to 10th percent of what it has become myself when making a decision in the summer of 2004 to hold off on building my ex-wife and I a new home ourselves which "right or wrong" most likely the right decision because in 2004 and 2005 our area was part of a declared disaster area due to Two hurricanes and most likely we wouldn't have finished the damn thing much less moved in to lose it since we did lose "my" Home-building business in the process due to all the details that entails that is not the point of the story so we'll move on.

The bottom-line is your down in the dumps because your behind or just one step behind which is like coming in second in Super Bowl- you have to remind yourself "Damn we did come in second because nobody else cares cause they may have come in second in NCAA or NIT tournament themselves- you get the gist.

O'kay to be nice and fair they care but hell they may already be under the bridge!

That's a lift right there but the "Good News" is this: It has happened once before to to this magnitude- maybe worse or maybe not depending on another list of things we don't need to go into.

Your Situation "right now, right there where ever that may be!

It is now 2011. You feel like your house wouldn't sell if it you gave it away to the last person left on the planet regardless of if they average a 580 credit score or not and they do or don't owe child support and it didn't matter in your State not!

I say 580 because the FHA loan my wife and I got on our home Two years and a few days after we lost another business that if not for a silent partner, a looming long-cold winter in a building that had a 5000 BTU heater and my youth and not knowing how to be patient or how to make a deal that would have saved both myself (including my wife and children- I think an ADHD thing we do sometimes which is to leave out those we love and just say I, me, mine or myself and figure everybody else thinks like us) and the partners money which after this depression looks much like it was a recession that President Clinton magically brought us out of and by the Balanced the "Damn" budget! Anyway in 1998 I think it was an FHA loan could be had with a 520 average credit score, 3% down, credit that easily reestablished and an income that was just a damn miracle to have because I met the right people at the right time, took the right supplement (Now Taboo to speak of but it shouldn't be and isn't in your Encyclopedia- Legal to boot), rode the Clinton wave which unfortunately after the Towers were attacked and of course Washington the Bush Administration turned into a Tsunami by changing the rules on Wall Street and Main Street making it too easy for us all to get credit well except in declared disaster area unless you knew before hand. I'm talking about FEMA help through the SBA and Economic Injury Loans something I had no idea existed until too late in the summer of 2005 to save my business, family and from losing my mind for a while.

I actually called a family member one day before I found out Major Depression is a bitch on ADHD especially if you lost your supplement or anything close! Anyway "I told the family- I'm walking around this table in my dining room looking at this pile of files that were in my office that I had lost by then- a beautiful office it was! Anyway I said "I'm walking around this table "round and round" and couldn't focus on my own name hardly much less how to begin without cussing somebody out maybe or just crying my eyes out! I need to go to the doctor! Well I didn't realize or think it was the one that thought I was just drug addict based on my story because of something in his life- not him just his life!

I need give credit where credit is due they took me to the doctor just wrong one and to my wife's credit she is the one that said several times over twenty plus years I might be ADHD but I was doing fine on supplements until the late 90's and early part of this God awful century when they out lawed 'em around here!

Please hang with me here cause if my memory serves correctly your homes value will recover and so will it's curve appeal if you keep it up- and I mean keep everything up!

The house, your realtionship and your mood, state mind whatever your religion or non-religion or whatever it is you beleive in which how it couldn't be the one God I'll never understand but well we all get down and he and all his Team understand! They have too- wouldn't you think or none of would have much of a chance to see heaven much less the few that most religions want us to think is them!

There's going to be a lot of shock and awe to straighten us all out but maybe not yet!

The bottom-line is the economy is growing although 2 1/2 to 3% a year ain't much compared to the 90's it's better than what happened to end the last decade- the last five years of that decade were preceded by some bad decisions and that's all history Thank God and Bush he's okay too cause who knows except Gore's Team! I hope he and his family are doing better.

Now your property may now only sell at auction for 75,000.00 but don't despair!

It can turn around in the next two years and head back up like it always has and like I said if my memory serves me correctly and we all have a few children I forget what President Clinton said was needed to keep us treading water a couple of years ago but the bottom line is we need people that need a place to live and their service job might more secure especially if we build somethin in this country we can sell here and abroad- in other words export! Maybe too China except materials too build Aircraft Carriers!

I think we have 12 or something like that and China- they only need a two or three! We damn sure don't want to fight them with their billions of people but we could and Hell if need be we'd win! I don't care if they did invent rockets!

Anyway my life would be over because my supplements my come from there and they might destroy the Pharmacuetical Comapnies that keep us all either sane or insane depending how good and how long you have known your doctor! Radiated supplements wouldn't do me much good nor you!

The value on your house should average about 5 to 6% a year in increase and it will again so let's figure it out. Make sure you pay your property taxes and get a ticket every once in a while so your local municipality can pave the streets and keep up the infrastructure! If we all pull together in a few years your property will be worth more than you owe once again!

75,000.00   2011 5%
78,750.00   2012 5%
82,687.00   2013 5%
87,648.75   2014 6%
92,907.75   2015 6%
98,482.22   2016 6%
104,391.15 2017 6%
110,654.62 2018 6%
121,720.08 2019 10% *The right improvements! Economically and Physical. It can be more. I know. Mine went to 143,000.00 just on unfinished improvements in 2005-6! That's the Tax Assessment not the actual saleability and/or curb appeal which would have cost me as a contractor approx. 10,000.00 cash or credit!
I or we would have owed about 110,000.00 or less in 2006 with those improvements right before the bottom completely dropped out of sales hell prices on materials, labor and availability had been a problem since 2001 to increasing degree and after I lost mind and control over my own health maintenance for a short term I lost track of to what degree things had bottomed out until I drove up highway 225 on Adderall Xr thank God but I cried when I saw my friends spec houses unfinished and no signs of any contract builder- not one!

As you can see regardless of my pathetic self that property ownership is worth the good fight! If your mortgage is structured so you can pay it down through amortization which we could show in the long run your property is STILL the One investment or the largest in most people's lives that has the most likely success of giving you security over a 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 year Term if not more. The only possible fly in the ointment is through Urban decay but that happens for many reasons out of our control but not as Americans because with proper Government and Urban planning decay doesn't have to begin but it does in most cases just as we were taught in Civics but revitalization can begin early and is successful just name your City! Mobile's Downtown has never looked better and mid town is the place to be for many of us that love activity and choice.

Baldwin County and I'm sure Mobile as well has many subdivisions that although a loss has been had by many and lot's are vacant the prices are well worth paying even if your only the second or third house in the plot because the area has the potential to explode with growth. Damn Boeing! Austal just what can you build? build the Chinese a sinkable Air-craft carrier cheap!

*One year at least into a Republican Administration it will most likely remain at 6% or better depending on how fast the economy, your area and we get back to the 2.5% unemployment we had here in the Baldwin County area and it wasn't much more in the Mobile Metropolitan Area. In fact with the right "do-it-yourself" projects and especially with a qualified contractor and your own realization or someone that can advise you on the items on the list that improve saleability and curb appeal not neccessarily what the inexperienced, you or your neighborhood self-proclaimed expert says will increase the value at a higher rate meaning no ofeense here but if you own property you have to have some experience and if you have ever sold any property or the buildings that go on a property or some other experience which I could list but you hopefully understand.

If you are young and just started into this mess in the last five to ten years it really does pay to own property and stock in Shire "like it or not"!

As for Homes you can gain a wealth of knowledge of past recessions, downturns and the 20th Century's Depression by comparing Government's, numbers at and last but not least by a long shot the numbers that the website offers! "National Association of Home Builder's" or NAHB and that is part of my source for information along with experience that I have from being in a family business and working from the age of 12 at least to Now which includes being a Home Builder and Owner! A business owner and a home owner.

As for Stocks? I never quite got a chance to delve into them as much as I would like to complete a portfolio but I will as soon as I get out of the Red and into the Black- very conservatively on companies I have faith in!
ie: Shire!

*Note: After 2017 it depends on what enemy we have, who is President and what natural phenomenon may come into play but as for me, "I'm sticking with a Democrat unless he's a Taliban and he announces it and shows his birth certificate. No I might vote for Admiral Denton, Senator McCain or Dr. Barry Booth but I hope he's a democrat! Michael Allegri? Well get back in it! Maybe Fenton Jenkins oughta keep the family tradition going but you have some work too do for the election after President Hillary Clinton's eight year term and by then if we aren't backing down from the Chinese, Indians or Russians which who beleives that anyway let's protect the pursuit of happiness and liberty which includes privacy, family and the ideals of free enterprise with enough control to make it balance a little in our favor!

By the way I hope this piece I have written makes it too you in it's original form and context and I want you too know i have enjoyed delving into some subjects I haven't had the chance to do in a couple of months and Shire and Vyvanse have made it possible but I nor they accept any liability for the correctness of the content or your actions based on reading what I have tried to remember from memory!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd C. Wooley

My Diagnosis at 45? ADHD with multiple. LOL! It used to be just ADHD! I asked and I wasn't surprised!

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